Key West, Florida

Key Livin’ // Summer Lovin’

Hola mis amigos y mi familia!

Such a happy day it is when I get to post about something so great.

Last weekend, I went to Key West to visit my friend, Madeline. It was such a serendipitous and random trip, but I’m so glad that it happened! Basically, I saw her SnapStory on SnapChat (if you don’t understand what I just said, don’t worry about it) and noticed that she was in Key West with her family for vacation, so obviously I immediately snapped her… “You’re in Key West and didn’t tell me!!!!”, and the rest is history.

I drove to Key West after work on Friday and sometime during that 3.5-hour drive I came to the conclusion that the drive from Miami to Key West is absolutely gorgeous. Day time, night time, whenever. As it turns out, this drive is considered one of the best drives in the world by travel sites and whatnot. I mean, come on, look at that sunset #nofilter 😉

I love Key West. I love the island vibe, the endless water activities, the ability to walk or bike almost anywhere, and the friendly residents. I’ve been to KW a least 5 times and I still feel like there is so much I haven’t done and so much left to experience. Like restaurants. There are so many restaurants in KW! And mark my words, one day I will visit the Ernest Hemingway house and see those freakin’ six-toed cats!

Our weekend involved a lot of Duval street. Whether walking, shopping, eating, hanging out… we were on Duval a lot. We also went on an awesome three-hour snorkel trip. Did you know that KW has the third largest reef in the world (third to Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, and Belize’s reef)? On Sunday we went to Dante’s restaurant/bar/pool, and oh em gee, that was an experience. It was the most interesting mix of people – little kids with their drunk parents, young adults, old people… By old people, I mean, 40-something divorcees who didn’t have the kids that weekend and were looking to get wasted with people 20 years their junior, all while wearing nipple pasties and dancing awkwardly to “Turn Down for What?”. Such a vibe.

I forgot to bring my good camera, but I did buy an underwater camera (cause we all know how much I like those), but I decided to save money and buy the $7.99 camera instead of the $12.99 camera and it was a mistake. A big mistake. As Madeline and I predicted after seeing the lens fog up the second we got in the water – the pictures were blurry as hell. But if you don’t have any interest in remembering your trip and you’re just looking for some cool, abstract, blurry photos… it kinda worked.

This weekend was so bittersweet because I got to spend time with Madeline, but it also freaks me out that I could potentially not see her again until Summer 2017!

The best part of the weekend? Hanging out with Madeline
The second best part of the weekend? Sleeping in the most comfortable bed I’ve slept in in years… maybe ever. I might just be sleep deprived and worn down from sleeping on shitty twins for over four years, but damn, that bed was comfy.

Thanks, Madeline and family for an awesome weekend and I hope I get to see you again before I leave! Oh, and you’re gonna kick ass at college 🙂

What are your favorite things to do in Key West? Let me know in the comments!


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