Every year my family treks to Fulton, Missouri to spend Thanksgiving on my Aunt Debbie and Uncle Steve’s farm. 70 acres of land, 9 chickens, 6 cows, 5 cats, 4 dogs, 3 hives of bees, and 15 relatives.
These are my photos.
P.S. I don’t use filters… duh.
Sitka and Micaela enjoying the car ride to the farm.One of the cows. She has a name. I don’t know it.The “meat fridge” aka the cow’s final resting place.Working on the farm with my Aunt Debbie.The love of my life, Baby Carter.Chicken Coop sans chickens. Can you spot the eggs?Little does she know, her egg is everyone else’s breakfast.Aunt Debbie, aka The Chicken Whisperer. Can you spot the curious cat?My smile is hiding my extreme fear of that chicken.Skype conversation with my cousins in New York.
ATV rides – a favorite farm pastime (until they’re not).These cars probably haven’t been touch in years. Hidden beauty.This baby cow was so interested in the dogs. Carter was interested in Bella. Sitka was just scared.Micaela and Sitka enjoying the sunset.Stink Eye, courtesy of Baby Carter: “Mom! You’re smothering me!”
It wouldn’t be a Reed/Stoner Thanksgiving without someone ending up in the hospital. But hey, accidents happen, and everyone is OK now. Although, the fence is a little worse for the wear.
As I look forward to my time in the Peace Corps, and two years away from home, I really try to appreciate these last few holidays with my family.