In May 2022, Alex and I traveled to Mauritius for our mutual friend's wedding (she is actually the friend w[...]
In May 2022, Alex and I traveled to Mauritius for our mutual friend's wedding (she is actually the friend w[...]
I've learned a lot from living and traveling all around Southern Africa and I'm here to spill my secrets! [...]
Alex and I had the opportunity to visit one of Green Safaris' newest lodges located in South Luangwa Nation[...]
During this past year living in Zambia, I've had the opportunity to visit many beautiful places (check out[...]
Victoria Falls is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World and it's a well-deserved title. The Falls s[...]
For the holidays this year, we decided to do something a bit more low-key, everything considered. Instead o[...]
White water rafting on the Zambezi is consistently rated as one of the best white water rafting places in t[...]
Alex and I decided to spend Thanksgiving weekend in Livingstone, Zambia to see Victoria Falls, which is one[...]